Correction of dental and skeletal disorders in our teeth and jaws is called orthodontic treatment, orthodontic treatment among the people. Although most people think that orthodontists only correct the crooked teeth, in fact, the jaw bones, even the bones that make up our head, and the head and neck muscles are of interest to the orthodontist…

Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that deals with the anomaly of teeth and jaws. Although it is commonly known as braces among the people, there are actually many devices used in this treatment…

World Association of Orthodontists; The first examination age for orthodontics was determined as 6 years old. The reason for this is that permanent dentition is started at this age. Until this age, children should preferably be followed by a pedodontist, if this is not possible, by a dentist…

The most important factor in the prevalence of adult orthodontics is the prolongation of human life and the increase in the quality of life. Today, 60-70 years of age are accepted as middle age, these people want to be comfortable in their social life…